SuperKlean’s Hose Swivel Adapters to the Rescue

hose swivel adapter

Burlingame, California - February 21, 2023

SuperKlean and our distributors worldwide receive compliments from plants and factories who are thankful for our ultra-reliable DuraLife hose barb swivel adapters for hot water hoses.

These ½” hose swivel adapters are available in either low-cost brass, a combination of 304 stainless steel, or complete stainless steel construction.

SuperKlean has been shipping these adapters for almost three decades. Along the way, we have been using one of our company’s mottos, “Continuous Improvement,” to make these hot-water-based swivels stand up to the rigors of any harsh factory or plant environment.

For instance, in our manufacturing process, we use more expensive but more robust O-ring construction on every one of these fittings.

We also use more (and longer) high-performance metals to ensure the ability to double-band hoses to the SuperKlean hose barb, ensuring a robust and reliable contact surface, no leaking over time, and even less wear on the inside of the hose near the barb. Feel free to ask our sales team how this works; it’s actually a physics thing!

As I travel around North America and the world, visiting many diverse plants and factories, I often ask, “Where do your hoses normally wear out?” Virtually 100% of the time, the answer is, “Right near the edge of the hose barb, internally, where the inside of the barb rubs against the metal end of the barb.”

This is why SuperKlean pays extra attention to how we manufacture the edges of our hose barb swivel adapters. We have made our Continuous Improvements, but the longer hose barb and tighter double-banded connections help even more. Also, with this, our industrial spray nozzles exceed the industry’s standards.

To go even one step further, three years ago SuperKlean formally introduced our very popular LifeSpan Internal Hose Guard product line, which integrates our ‘already-superior’ hose barb fittings and swivel adapters with a high-performance internal stainless steel hollow tube that only allows up to 90-degree flexing, and virtually no flexing where plant and factory maintenance and safety managers have been struggling with hot and cold water hose safety and breakage per year. So, instead of just purchasing a SuperKlean hose swivel fitting, you can purchase, for just a small additional charge, SuperKlean’s extensive hot water hose barb swivel adapter attached to a lightweight internal tube, as one single part, called SuperKlean’s DuraLife Swivel Adapters. Please see page 24 in our catalog for a deeper explanation and a photo.

With these cumulative features, SuperKlean’s hot and cold water hose barb swivel adapter solutions stand out as the best available in the hot and cold water washdown industry.

Call our sales team today for a sample at 800-769-9173, or email [email protected].

hose swivel adapters
Brass - Hose Swivel Adapter
hose swivel adapters
Stainless Steel - Hose Swivel Adapter

The Brewery Business is Booming and SuperKlean Delivers the Brewery Sanitation Goods!

Flavor Food and Beverage Companies trust SuperKlean for Unmatched Sanitation

The Brewery Business is Booming and SuperKlean Delivers the Brewery Sanitation Goods!

As of December 2022, there are over 8500 breweries in America and over 1200 in Canada. Driving factors for this growth include new, innovative flavors offered by breweries, increased social popularity among millennials to visit breweries, advancements in the brewing process, and the rise of craft and microbreweries. In 2021, the overall beer market grew by 1%.

With a growth rate of 8% in 2021, craft beer is one of the fastest-growing segments in the brewing industry. This growth is particularly due to the rise of social media marketing by millennials and brewing companies, and the growing demand for craft beer in the Asia-Pacific region of the world. By 2028, the global craft beer market is expected to be valued at a whopping $210.78 billion compared to 2021’s value of $102.59 billion.

To be ready for this growth, breweries need the best and safest washdown equipment for proper brewery sanitation. There are countless washdown products in the market, but brewers favor SuperKlean’s 3600 Series Hot and Cold Water mixer. The easy-to-read temperature gauge keeps track of the exact water temperature, providing the best brewery sanitation experience possible. Brewers also enjoy the consistency, reliability, and safety features of the 3600 Series mixer. SuperKlean offers a 3-year warranty, which is the best warranty in the washdown products industry. SuperKlean can offer this longer warranty because of the superior quality of its products.

Brewers also favor SuperKlean’s DM Series brewery spray nozzle for their industrial nozzle needs, as it is a reliable and sturdy industrial nozzle. It is also a favorite of winemakers, used as a winery nozzle in hundreds of vineyards worldwide for winery sanitation. The DM Series spray nozzle features stainless steel construction, which impresses brewery and winery lovers on factory tours. SuperKlean toured River Horse Brewery, one of the top-rated breweries in the United States. Check out our YouTube video of their state-of-the-art facility that uses SuperKlean’s mixing stations and washdown nozzles.

Brewers and winemakers are exceptionally hard workers and tend to keep busy running their companies. When they come to SuperKlean, we listen to their needs and provide our expert knowledge to help them make the best decisions for washdown equipment. When they need a new mixing station, SuperKlean gets it to them fast, often with same-day shipping. With the best products, prices, and customer service, brewers and winemakers worldwide choose SuperKlean as their #1 choice for their washdown sanitation needs.

Call SuperKlean today for all your washdown sanitation needs.

1-800-7699173. Or shop SuperKlean products online, at

SuperKlean Follow-Up Report on ASPE’s 2022 Convention and Expo

steam & cold water mixing stations

Burlingame, California - December 1, 2022

SuperKlean Washdown Products attended our 3rd bi-yearly ASPE (American Society of Plumbing Engineers) show in late September of this year. Our show team met many new plumbing system design experts and fortified our relationships with ASPE professionals from previous shows who already recommend and integrate SuperKlean’s full line of hot water Industrial Factory and Plant sanitation products.

Since attending our first ASPE Convention and Expo in 2018, a growing number of ASPE member plumbing companies have been partnering with SuperKlean to integrate our environmentally exceptional hot water washdown products into dozens of new factories, mostly around North America.

The product ASPE members most often recommend are SuperKlean’s industry-leading steam mixing stations, and our hot and cold water mixing stations, both renowned for their premiere safety characteristics, ease of maintenance and long-life.

SuperKlean’s trip to this year’s Indianapolis ASPE show featured a Road Trip to dozens of ASPE members and plumbing distributors, from California, to Indianapolis, to Michigan, and back to California. We were able to make many new acquaintances and visit customers who have been trustworthy distributors of SuperKlean’s wide array of hot water sanitation products for decades.

SuperKlean products displayed this year include SuperKlean’s world leading DuraMix 8000 Steam & Cold Water Mixing Stations, our 3600 Series Hot and Cold water mixers, as well as the industry’s widest line of heavy-duty spray nozzles and industrial spray nozzles. ASPE attendees also were introduced to SuperKlean industrial wall mount hose hangers and hot water washdown hoses. During the entire COVID pandemic, SuperKlean’s forward-planning allowed us to ship these products from stock over 95% of the time, meeting all our ASPE partners’ on-time delivery expectations.

Hose Station
DuraMix 8000 Series

SuperKlean also showed our steam traps and steam strainer product lines, ¾ ball valves, swivel hose adapters, and many other SuperKlean product SKU’s.

SuperKlean places an emphasis on our always available, technically-trained advisor team. Our team offering offers you instant consultation regarding the perfect hot water washdown product for your specific application, including the exact industrial hose nozzle or mixing station-type that best fits your needs.

SuperKlean’s one-on-one technical support is among the best in the industrial plant and factory sectors. We feature our own branded hot water washdown hose that matches your factory’s needs perfectly, and same-day hose station shipments give you a one-stop-shopping and shipping experience that is not found elsewhere in this industrial sector.

SuperKlean also provides a vast number of online YouTube videos that show installers how to mount 8000 Series steam water mixing valves quickly, while providing safer installations that are unrivaled in the hot water washdown industry. Call SuperKlean today at 800-769-9173 with any questions you may have that are not covered in our videos.

SuperKlean Washdown Products have become the world’s most trusted industrial hot water sanitation products available, integrated into and used by the globe’s leading Food, Beverage, Pharma and Dairy-related producers. Virtually all SuperKlean products ship same or next day from our warehouses in California and Canada. Call for free, new 2023 catalogs, other marketing materials, and detailed documentation. Or, please view our SuperKlean website at